Assam Governor condoles death of Devananda Konwar

Guwahati, April 25: Assam Governor Prof. Jagdish Mukhi condoled the demise of former Governor of Bihar, Tripura and West Bengal and veteran politician of the state Devananda Konwar who passed away earlytoday.

          In his condolence message, Prof. Mukhi termed Konwar a dedicated leader and worker who made all efforts for the cause of people of all sections.   The Governor also said that as apolitician he contributed immensely to the general welfare of the people at largeHe served the state with deep commitment, compassion and love for the people. As a Governor also, he made an indelible mark to glorify the spirit of parliamentary democracy, yet strengthening the edifice of democratic federalism.   

          Prof.Mukhi said that his death ‘is an irreparable loss to the state’. “I express my empathy with the bereaved family members and pray to God for eternal peace of the departed soul”, the Governor added.


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